What are Anti Bandit and Bullet Resistant Doors?
There is no such thing as a bullet proof door; there are only various levels of bullet resistance. Anything can be destroyed given enough experience, time, equipment and brute force, so it all comes down to how much time the door can resist an attack.
Anti Bandit doors is typically a South African term used for doors that not only have bullet resistance properties, but in addition they should have anti burglary or security features making it difficult to break into, and they should also have fire and smoke protection properties.
Anti Bandit Doors are offered in 4 classifications in South Africa according to their bullet resistance properties.
- G1 – Handguns up to and including a 9mm parabellum
- G2 – G1 + Handguns up to and including a 357 Magnum and a shotgun using buckshot
- G3 – G1+G2 and AK47 Assault Rifle (7.62x39) and a shotgun using Brenneke slugs
- G4 - G1+G2+G3 up to R1/308 (7.62x51) Soft Core
Internationally there are more than just the 4 types of G classifications known as FB and BR classes
FB Classes are for Bullet resistance of Doors, Windows or Shutters.
BR Classes are for Bullet resistance of Glazing.
FB1 through to FB4 are designed to withstand the impact of various hand guns and sport rifles.
FB5 through to FB7 are design to handle more serious impacts from various assault and high caliber rifles
- FB1- 22LR
- FB2 - 9mm Luger
- FB3 - 357 Magnum
- FB4 - 44 Remington / 357 Magnum
- FB5 - 5.56x45 / 7.62x39 (AK 47)
- FB6 - 5.56x45 / 7.62x51 (R1/308) Soft core
- FB7 - 7.62x51 (R1/308) Hard core
Bullet Resistant Glazing
The BR classes of glazing will correspond with the FB classes mentioned above.
Typically Bullet resistant glazing also known commonly as BR glazing is made from a structured lamination of both glass and polycarbonate, the more laminations and the thicker the glass the higher the classification will be, it goes without saying that one would match the glass with the corresponding rating of the door.
Whilst bullet resistant glass offers excellent protection it must be noted that it cannot sustain a continuous attack like armoured steel plate can.
What are bullet resistant doors made from?
Typically bullet resistant doors are made from steel and glass; however it is not ordinary steel and glass.
The steel is specialised and goes through various heat treatment processes to get the suitable properties required for true bullet resistance, this type of steel is known as armoured steel and is made for both commercial and military applications.
The process and thickness will determine the bullet resistance classification of the steel to be used.
Armoured steel is vigorously tested and the steel comes with certification from the manufacturer.
Armoured glass is vigorously tested and also comes with certification from the manufacturer.
Not all bullet resistant doors are made with armoured steel.
Armoured steel is expensive and unfortunately in the market there are doors (usually mass produced) that state they are Anti Bandit or Bullet resistant to a certain classification and do not have any armoured steel in their makeup, instead they just use general mild steel sheets as thin as 3mm, whilst others a little bit better but still not armoured steel may use industrial wear plates. If it is not armoured steel then any bullet resistance the door may offer is probably insignificant and will not survive a continuous attack and fail.
When purchasing a bullet resistant door, ask what it is made from, if it has armoured steel and where is the certification of that steel for bullet resistance. It could be a matter of life and death should a nasty situation arrive and you are not as protected as you thought you were.
Bullet resistant doors should have bullet resistant frames
If the door is bullet resistant, then the frame should also be bullet resistant to match the class of the door.
If you put a bullet resistant door into an ordinary steel frame then the entire frame area surrounding the door is not bullet resistant.
A well and suitably made bullet resistant door will come together with a matching frame of the same class.
The door frame should also be suitably secured into the brickwork.
Anti Burglary and Security features of an Anti Bandit Door
To offer true anti bandit protection, these types of doors should also be equipped with anti burglary features to protect against more than just bullets, they should also offer resistance against an attack on the door itself.
A full steel door will always offer the best protection due to its superior strength compared to most other door materials.
Ideally an Anti Bandit doors should be fitted with the following features for additional protection:
- Heavy Duty Hinges
- Dog Bolts also known as security bolts that would keep the door secure in place even if the hinges are attacked, damage or removed.
- Multi Point locks that lock in several positions on the door and not just by the handle
- Lock cylinder protection plates
- Anti twist cages to by the striker plates to protect the lock bolts
- Hydraulic door closers to automatically close the door after entrance / exit, afterall an open door will offer no protection
Fire and Smoke Protection of an Anti Bandit Door
When under attack, it is not only bullets or attacks on the door itself that are employed, fire and smoke are also used in an effort to gain access and force those on the inside to surrender and come out, petrol bombs also known as a Molotov cocktail are commonly used in these types of attacks.
Anti Bandit doors should also offer fire and smoke protection and be fitted with the following
- EPDM fire resistant gaskets
- Automatic drop seals
These additions will seal the door off; they are not combustible and will allow protection for fire and smoke attacks.
Full steel doors will in addition maintain structural and impact integrity.
External Anti Bandit Doors
Many anti bandit doors are made from materials that are not suitable against outdoor elements and so are only able to be used internally where they are not subjected to these elements.
A full steel door is able to withstand outdoor elements and inclement weather and so can be used internally and externally.